June 14, 2009

Day one and strawberries!!!

My new lovely friend Stacy helped me set up a blog (to be fair Mike started it about a year ago.. but neither of us how much follow through)!!! Thankfully Stacy gets things done.
So here is day one!
Here are pics of our berry adventure this weekend.

I love Sauvies Island. I am such a child about picking berries too, I can never leave.. always afraid that I leaving a fabulous red berry behind!
Needless to say, we have WAY to many berries!


stacy marie said...

Looks like fun! And great first post, very nice. You guys are going to have a great blogging experience from here on out. I can tell :)

petite pronk said...

Hey we have a blog too!! Theparisfamilyspot.blogspot.com.

Saedi said...

I love that your doing this now yay! I'm so excited to check out all the cool things you're doing. I finally get to see a little part of your life!!! I love the berry comment, you make me laugh!

Saedi said...

Sorry, this is Kim, I'm on friend's computer.

Heather said...

Awesome Amanda! Strawberries are the best, make some jam :D Yum!